Like millions of kids around the world, Santiago harbors the dream of being a professional footballer...However, living in the Barrios section of Los Angeles, he thinks it is only that--a dream. Until one day an extraordinary turn of events has him trying out for Premiership club Newcastle United.
Every Dream Has A Beginning
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Like millions of kids around the world, Santiago harbors the dream of being a professional footballer...However, living in the Barrios section of Los Angeles, he thinks it is only that--a dream. Until one day an extraordinary turn of events has him trying out for Premiership club Newcastle United.
Every Dream Has A Beginning
Watch This Movie Online for Free, Here
Movie infos Goal!: The Dream Begins
Release : 2005-06-06Genre : Drama, Sports Film
Runtime : 118 minutes
Company : Milkshake Films, Hargitay & Hargitay Pictures in Motion
Kuno Becker | as | Santiago Munez | |
Alessandro Nivola | as | Gavin Harris | |
Anna Friel | as | Roz Harmison | |
Stephen Dillane | as | Glen Foy | |
Gary Lewis | as | Mal Braithwaite | |
Kieran O'Brien | as | Hughie McGowan | |
Sean Pertwee | as | Barry Rankin | |
Marcel Iures | as | Erik Dornhelm | |
Tony Plana | as | Hernan Munez | |
Miriam Colon | as | Mercedes | |
Kate Tomlinson | as | Val | |
Emma Field-Rayner | as | Lorraine | |
Zachary Johnson | as | Rory | |
Frances Barber | as | Carol Harmison | |
Kevin Knapman | as | Jamie Drew |